Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter

Poetry, Politics


Here’s the original:

Stealing headlines for poetry
Isn’t as manual as it was, no
Scissors nor glue, nor ink on fingers
Now, just a simple point and
Click, a push and pull of grouped
Pixels, and the real world transfers
To another portion of the luminous
Screen to make a different story
With the kernel of the same truth.

Met found to be institutionally
Racist, misogynistic, and homophobic
It reads, and nothing could be truer,
Although it didn’t really take a
Formal report for the world to know
This as a fact. Uniform has ever been
A road to corruption.

Stolen headlines for poetry
Are universal truths.

R 21/03/2023  10:30

And this is the Masto version:

Stealing headlines for poetry.
No scissors nor glue,
Nor ink on fingers now.
A simple point & click,
A push & pull of grouped pixels,
& the real world transfers to
Another portion of the screen
To make a different story
With the kernel of the same truth.
Met institutionally racist,
Misogynistic, & homophobic.
It didn’t take a report
For the world
To know this fact.
Uniform is a road to corruption.
Stolen headlines for poetry
Are universal truths.

R 21/03/2023 18:45

I think there would be many more poems to write from that prompt, but it’s been a hell of a day again, and I just want to kick back.

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  1. Ren Powell

    22nd March 2023 at 13:02

    Have a well-deserved kick-back. You are inspiring even in. your exhaustion.

    1. Richard Pierce

      22nd March 2023 at 20:41

      Thanks. 🙂 I must admit I don’t feel very inspiring.

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