A Hospital Visit
The letter said not to be early,
So he walked around the hospital
Grounds and then its corridors,
But he was still early. Subwait A,
The letter had bolded, and when
He got there, a few seats were free,
Behind the glass a woman who
Looked too young to have left
School, though the lines by her
Eyes from days working in a room
Without daylight moved into a
Smile when he arrived cap in hand,
Still twenty minutes too soon. He’d
Expected a frown from this queen
Of Outpatients East, and it had eased
Him to received kindness. He’s not
In his seat for long before he clings
To the cold machine that looks
Into his chest and finds nothing.
On the way out, he detoured to
Her window again, and thanked
Her for her unexpected gentleness.
This time, her smile was one of
Reciprocated comfort and surprise.
R 21/01/2025 20:15
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