Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter


#NewMusicFriday – 17/01/2025

This week truly just evaporated. I remember last Sunday thinking what a long week it was going to be, what with having to go into London for work on Monday, and then a long slog to get lots of things done work-wise and creatively and life admin-wise. Lists upon lists upon lists. Monday ended up being a 10-hour work & travel day, thanks to England’s dreadful privatised (not for much longer) railways, and some organisations approach to the 21st century bring more like the 17th bloody century. Upside was managing to spend some (brief) quality time with an old friend (who started off just as a work colleague) as we travelled together to our next meetings using Shanks’s Pony and the Tube. Our conclusion, as it often is, was that we’re amongst the fortunate ones in these dire times.

So it was even more of a bonus that I did manage to find 12 brand-new tracks and one old song to populate the show with this week, and really enjoyed recording it on Thursday evening.

Fleas – BLEED
The None – On Automatic
Keep Shelly In Athens – My Way
Automobile Club – Automobile Club
pMad – Feed
Summer Arachnid – Glint
Gorstey Lea AKA, Junkyard of Silenced Poets – The Dragons of Mont Blanc (Parts I & II) (2022)
Ancient Greece – Engineers
Kiss The Tiger – This Night Is Killing You
The Illicits – Eternity
CHLORINE – Electric Chair
Death By Unga Bunga – Ring meg hvis du trenger en venn

I’m glad to report that most of the links are bandcamp links, so you can bung these wonderful creatives a few quid for their great music if you can afford to do so. I hope you can.

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