Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter




“Choose your pain,” she said,
Hid her slight sense of betrayal.
They’d promised her something
Meaty and fresh, not a muscle-bound
Hulk fashioned from antiquity.

“I seek no pain,” he said, all of
Him immobile and huge.

She smiled behind her veil.
“Everything is pain.” Her pointed
Teeth drew blood from her lips.

“Then I choose nothing,” he said,
Arms relaxed by his side, unbowed.

“Nothing is part of everything.”
She was impatient now, wanted
This ritual over. She took one step.

“No sophistry.” He smiled with
The arrogance of the invincible.

“Enough.” Her voice was sharper
Than her sword. “You deny yourself
A final pleasure.”

Headless, he was as tall as her,
Until he fell, and she helped herself
To him.

R 16/10/2024 13:07

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