Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter

Life, Poetry, Politics

Still Fanning The Flames


The old order,
Jacob and Robert and James,
And all their like,
Andrea and Suella and Liz,
And all their groupies,
Think they’re still in power
As they try that old trick
Of abdicating responsibility
For the violence they seeded,
While still fanning the flames
Of the racism they did so
Much to encourage
When they still could
Bend the law to their will.

Now they say brutality
Is wrong, those immigrant
Witch hunters, and call for its
Renewal in the same breath.
They say the police must stop
The fighting, but encourage it
All the same. They call for
Inclusion while excluding all
Those who aren’t white, and who
Pray to another god or none.

Nigel snickers to camera in a back
Room, pretends to be thick, and
Calls for more money and more riots
In poorly-coded language, while
Stephen of the many names flees
From one hot island to another
Foaming at the mouth for fear
Of extradition. These are the feral
Millionaires, drunk on the money
Of fools, and drunk on bile,
Pullers of the strings of evil.

Decent people flood the streets
To put out the flames of hate.

R 07/08/2024 21:35

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