Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter

Life, Poetry, Politics

Yesterday’s and today’s

Catching up on poems.


Lost words again.
A puzzle in too many
Different languages
Waiting to be solved now.
Too slow, the tinkering
Of the mind with the dark,
Where a noise mars the black
With the colour of an
Explosion; yellow, red,
Blue, white. A flash,
A pain, this disturbed
Sleep, a motion sickness
Of the mind. Most nights.
Most days. Seconds jolted
Into illegible patterns.

R 03/02/2025 23:59

Make Him Small Again

It’s not good enough to presume he is
A wannabe emperor, a king maker with
No agenda, a loose cannon with no brain.
That just avoids confronting the danger
He is and brings. Not just to the country
In which he rules, but across the planet,
Even more at existential risk because of him.

Money trumps everything for him, most
Of all the money he doesn’t have and
Wants, money he is too high and mighty
To earn, and will just take as he throws
Out those without whom the US would
And could never exist, hateful of the
Colour of their skin, and their voices
Which enrich and never impoverish.

The world must stand against him,
Depose him, defeat him, make him
Small again.

R 04/02/2025 19:24

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