Oscar’s birthday poem, 2012
. . . Calm here, And across the ocean a storm. I am guessing that you Will take a cursory glanceAt these words,Raise an eyebrow, cough, and move on,And squirrel… Continue Reading
Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter
. . . Calm here, And across the ocean a storm. I am guessing that you Will take a cursory glanceAt these words,Raise an eyebrow, cough, and move on,And squirrel… Continue Reading
The Art of Physics It’s too easy to become alone,Trapped in your own thoughts,To believe you are the only staticPoint in this restless universe,To carry the burden of the whole,A… Continue Reading
You fly out into the silence Of your paint, of your words, Up to the stars and the vacuum, Down into the centre of your world, Cut yourself adrift from… Continue Reading
How has time changed us? We never used to be friends, You the hotheaded daughter, Me the remote father, uninterested In tantrums or dolls. Now, we spend so much time… Continue Reading
A New Language I tried to think of a new languageIn my old ageTo tell you I love youBut to build itWould leave you unbelievingNot able to understand. So I… Continue Reading
Alive Today, I met a travelling man, and walkedWith him through one of the world’s largestCities. His home town lies in ruins, and hisFamily have fled to the mountains, to… Continue Reading
What shall we do as we grow older?Cantankerous – and son;Cantankerous – and father?Shall we laugh together again? Love is always muted between father and son,By the smallest things,The most… Continue Reading
For You Look, I have a rockIn the palm of my hand.I carved it for you. Look, its shape is not usual,Nor its colour one we have grownUsed to, in… Continue Reading
Today Tomorrow is a wall we cannot climb,A field we cannot cross until today.Time is a hiding beast,Beyond us before we know,And gone. We watch days and waste them,Pick hours… Continue Reading
October A cloudless sky,One month, almost, into autumn,Colding nights,The scent of burning leaves;Crisp shadowsUnder the fullest moon. Birth,The holiest miracle,Brought us you,One more treasureOf our lives. A beautiful note,One chord,… Continue Reading