Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter


Kara’s birthday poem


Tomorrow is a wall we cannot climb,
A field we cannot cross until today.
Time is a hiding beast,
Beyond us before we know,
And gone.

We watch days and waste them,
Pick hours and taste them,
And throw them all away,

There is nothing past that wall,
No soil on that field to till.
They don’t exist, those dreams,
Until we make them real.

Grab today. Make it yours.
Hold it to yourself and let it last.
Share your wisdom with everyone.
Don’t let this day pass
Without your mark.

Richard – 30th March 2010

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1 Comment

  1. Deaf Indian Muslim Anarchist!

    5th April 2010 at 15:38

    that was wonderful, very simple poem with a powerful message. we must never forget how fast time flies by.


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