Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter

Browsing Tag: holidays


Day 186

The swallows (I think they’re swallows) here in Agios Nikolaos are in kamikaze mode this morning, dive-bombing the balconies, looking for their nests under the roof tiles, and aborting at… Continue Reading

Life, Writing

Day 183

Sweltering today. Even the breeze with the occasional sharp gust is hot. Thank God for the shade. I’ve always said it’s the shade that makes the heat bearable, even enjoyable…. Continue Reading


Day 181

Last night was prosecco night. We sat outside in the strengthening wind in G’s place, and watched the waves thrash against the harbour wall under the fish restaurants and rebound… Continue Reading


Day 171

I am finding it impossible this morning to find words to describe how I feel right now that don’t sound mundane or whingeing. Sitting in the garden just now with… Continue Reading