Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter


This Alien Gravity

Should have written and posted this yesterday, but yet again ran out of time.

This Alien Gravity

In the rush of breath
Every day to survive
Galaxies die unseen
And years disappear
Without diary notes
Or marginalia, the
Only marks the scars
Of growing pains in
This alien gravity of
Parenting and love.
That first proposal,
Made in youthful
Haste, you turned
Down, and the letters
And licence are
Long lost to damp
In an old house.
We’d never have
Thought the second
Would come so soon
After, tired of secrets
And hiding, and
Driving one sunny day
To look at old cars
In a French-named
Place the English
Still can’t pronounce,
Nor thought the whole
Thing would last this
Long, and still be

R 22/10/24 08:21

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