Two new poems
Two poems jumped out at me at the #foray prompt, one more current than the other. Draw your own conclusions.
Snow Day
The snow has come and changed
Her plans. Today, she rises even
Earlier than usual, leaves her
Discarded resurrected lovers senseless
In her bed, finds her way out
Through the tunnel only she
Knows, under the white cover, and
Makes her foray to the edge of her
Forest. The ice doesn’t touch
Her naked feet, and she leaves
No tracks. Here, in this place,
She will find something new and
Hot and living to sink her teeth
Into, and find new pleasure while
The others sleep. And the fruit will
Have an unknown provenance.
R 14/01/2025 16:26
This Cable Man
He describes his forays into
Unfaithfulness, rape, and sexual
Assault as acts endorsed by God,
His views on women, his drinking,
As unjustified claims proven false,
Protected by non-disclosure agreements
With parties allegedly wronged,
Tries to prove he’s a serious
Politician chosen by God. Whose
God, whose politician, whose
Lives? Any number of deflections,
Lies, in the name of a silent God,
A god who wouldn’t answer if
Called by this monster.
R 14/01/2025 17:54
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