Kara’s birthday poem
Today Tomorrow is a wall we cannot climb,A field we cannot cross until today.Time is a hiding beast,Beyond us before we know,And gone. We watch days and waste them,Pick hours… Continue Reading
Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter
Today Tomorrow is a wall we cannot climb,A field we cannot cross until today.Time is a hiding beast,Beyond us before we know,And gone. We watch days and waste them,Pick hours… Continue Reading
James Grigg died in action in Afghanistan on 16th March 2010. He played cricket with me, and was a good friend to me, and to many others in Stradbroke Cricket… Continue Reading
October A cloudless sky,One month, almost, into autumn,Colding nights,The scent of burning leaves;Crisp shadowsUnder the fullest moon. Birth,The holiest miracle,Brought us you,One more treasureOf our lives. A beautiful note,One chord,… Continue Reading
This poem is being read tonight (16th October 2009) at a poetry reading preceding the Kicking & Screening Soccer Film Festival in Washington, D.C. And it’s being read by Josh… Continue Reading