Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter

Life, Sport

Day 167

It must be quite warm. I’m not wearing any jumpers at all today, although that might change when I go for my walk later. I’ve also closed the blind of the study (which is something I hate doing) so that the temp doesn’t rise too much more in here – it’s 28C in here right now, a testament to the great insulation. I am still, as I have been for the past thirty years, wracking my brain to invent a device that will just soak up any excess summer  heat in rooms and save it for the winter – and no, I’m not talking batteries or photovoltaic cells or anything like that. I have this vision of finding a material that can be made into a small cube not connected to anything that sits in the middle of a room (or somewhere) and which just absorbs excess heat when days are warm, and then you can touch touch the cube on a cold day (week or months or years later) and it releases the warmth you need. Just imagine what that would do for worldwide energy consumption. And it would need to be cheap and environmentally friendly to make. I’ll let my brain keep working on that one. Maybe someone has already made one and just not told the world about it because they want to make lots of money out of it. That’s not my primary goal with the thought. Anyway…

I had intended to write this first thing, especially as we got up early as A had to be on the 6:51 train this morning to go up to Manchester for the Harry Styles concert she has a ticket for. And she was working the Elton John gig at Carrow Road till late yesterday. But I got distracted. I’d got the first pre-record in the can at 10pm last night, so I started the second one this morning. I had thought I’d find it difficult to treat it like a live show, but, as I said to M last night while I was playing a long track, even pre-recording makes me hyper. Maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe it’s yet another thing that confirms to me what I’ve thought for a long time – I’m just a natural broadcaster. Now for a huge national audience…

That’s two paras that have finished with ellipses. Seeing as the dictionary definition says ellipses are either a sudden leap from one topic to another or marks indicating a pause, I’m obviously applying them correctly. I must admit to loving to use them in dialogue, too. And talking of writing, at lunch-time I ended up loading my e-reader with lots of e-books that weren’t free – and quite a few that were. I hope that sees me through two weeks on hols.

Just distracted by a whatsapp with A. I didn’t realise the Styles gig was at the Old Trafford cricket ground. I realised that I was there almost to the day 43 years ago to watch England beat New Zealand by 9 runs in the World Cup. I just looked at the online score card – there were some great great players on both sides in that game. I was only 18 then. And that’s a good place to stop for today.




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