Day 247
Just continuing the train of thought from yesterday about writers, and how there is something of the writer in every character they write. It follows on from that that the writer must have empathy with every character. Extrapolate that even further, and it makes the writer an empath by their very nature. And I think now that what I sometimes think of as my erratic style of parenting (and possibly relationships in general) is down to me being able to see both sides of every coin (because isn’t that what empathy is), so I might be really angry with someone one day, but the next day feel sorry for them because I am suddenly seeing things through their eyes. Please note this does not apply to inhuman Tory politicians. Just a thought.
I am enjoying Author, Author, and reading it, for me, slowly, savouring it, although I have to admit I do want to get it done and move on to something that reminds me less of my relationship with my writing. Some chick lit next for me, I think. Something that allows me just to escape from the real world for a few half hours in a week. Some chick lit is actually very good. I have tried my hand on “throwaway” stories but they always seem to end up going down the path of becoming something more hefty. The Immortality Clock was meant to be just one such throwaway story and ended up being an allegory about Brexit and politics in general, and The Mortality Code follows that path (you’ll have to wait for that to be completed (I’m almost three months behind on the time table of my choosing on that). Distracted by Aggie and life in general, I suppose. That’s one thing, actually, about Author, Author that I kind of envy – most of the people seem to have time to do nothing but be creative. Yes, they do have money worries on occasions, but, in the main, they are almost of independent means (that may of course all change by the time I get to the end, and I do have to remind myself that much of it is “just” fiction based on reality, something I myself am familiar with in my writing).
And, finally, an admission – most of the chapter below was written yesterday. I got so carried away when I was writing yesterday’s episode that I didn’t realise how many words I’d tapped out, and, when I finally looked up, realised I’d written almost 1k. So I split it – just over half for yesterday, and the rest (plus some added today before I started writing all the above).
Larry Dietz
4th September 2022 at 18:13I am finding that my characters sometimes come with me and whisper ideas.
Richard Pierce
5th September 2022 at 07:35That doesn’t surprise me 🙂