Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter


#NewMusicFriday 10/05/2024

Compressing a working week into four days is never a great idea when there’s so much going on at work and around work. I ended up pre-recording the show about an hour after I’d finally got a running order together, and had feared I might not get round to it.

Here are those tracks (some of the links go to spotify because I couldn’t find them elsewhere or because that’s the only place I could find the sweary version – I won’t play sanitized versions on my radio shows):

Fiona-Lee – Mother
Colleths – Roseblader
St. Dukes – Do Your Worst
Ultraviolet – Think
Vanilla Abstract – Honeymoon
Elba Rose – No Note, No Telephone
Gdansk81 – IV Thing
pink suits – Be Good To Yourself
Lying For Friends – Drink & Drive
Bauhaus – She’s In Parties (1983)
Void Vampires – Breathe In Breathe Out
the IV – I am the moon, you are the sun
Hannah Robinson – I’m Sorry I Let You Down
Lia Rye – All Of The Time
Conchita Wurst – Rise Like A Phoenix (2014 – probably the best Eurovision winner ever)

Eurovision causing huge controversy. I would be surprised if the event went off without a hitch. I think it would behove the European Broadcasting Union to remember that music is always political, and that there is a wrong and there is a right (politicians would do well to remember this too, especially tyrants). To add more confusion, as I write, the Netherlands has been disqualified because of an incident of an alleged harrassment nature, and the Irish contestant pulled out of the dress rehearsal (no update on that yet).

Next week is already looking packed, and I may well end up having to record the show on Wednesday, or do it live. Now there’s a thought.

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