Birthday Talk
‘Fourteen.’ ‘Fourteen?’ ‘Fourteen!’ ‘Years?’ ‘Years.’ ‘Not months?’ ‘Not months.’ ‘You must feel old.’ ‘I do feel old.’ ‘Very old, I mean.’ ‘Well, not that old.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Well, maybe. I was… Continue Reading
Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter
‘Fourteen.’ ‘Fourteen?’ ‘Fourteen!’ ‘Years?’ ‘Years.’ ‘Not months?’ ‘Not months.’ ‘You must feel old.’ ‘I do feel old.’ ‘Very old, I mean.’ ‘Well, not that old.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Well, maybe. I was… Continue Reading
Following on from my previous posts about the East of England Co-op’s application to build a shop on Queen Street in Stradbroke, and Stradbroke Parish Council’s unanimous (except for one abstention)… Continue Reading
There was a collective sigh of relief in Stradbroke on Monday evening/Tuesday morning, as news filtered out that Stradbroke Parish Council had rejected a planning application by the East of… Continue Reading
When Dead Men was published in 2012, and after my publisher’s miniscule marketing budget had run out, one of my hobbies became carefully placing Dead Men advertising cards into other people’s… Continue Reading
The East of England Co-op have applied for planning permission to build a shop on a very busy road out of Stradbroke, opposite a well-attended and excellent primary school. The… Continue Reading
Quite a few people have been asking me if they can get hold of a paperback copy of Bee Bones. Well, now you can, and just in time to make… Continue Reading
This article was posted on an e-zine site a few months ago, and I thought the time was right to repost it here. May 1989 I work for a company… Continue Reading
We have tainted our faiths and freedomsWith thought and word and deed.We have poisoned our world with moulded and molten lead. We have tainted ourselves with the bloodOf those each… Continue Reading
It is always awful when one of our Goalkeepers’ Union is taken from us. Even more so when it’s through violence, not age. So, in memory of Senzo Meyiwa, two… Continue Reading
I spent most of yesterday listening back to my #keepingitpeel show on Radio Stradbroke that I’d presented live on Saturday evening. The music just keeps on getting better, and I’m… Continue Reading