Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter

Life, Poetry


The Rupture

He gave her a ring one day.
She gave it back the next.
Perhaps it was the black stone
That made her realise it was
His heart that was dark. It is
Lost now. A day later, her
New boyfriend tried to run him
Down on the street, so he left,
And missed the dog more than her.

R, 04/01/2023, 09:40

Today’s #MastoPrompt was #rupture. It’s started an interesting train of thought that doesn’t end with the above.

Yesterday ended with R telling me she was packing to fly out to India today for 10 days, and a mutual friend being in surgery thousands of miles in the other direction because her glioblastoma had come back the same size as before. Life’s variances and nuances and tragedies sometimes compress it rather than enlarging it, and it feels like there can be no room to breathe. But there is. We just need to gulp the air while we can.

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