immoderately responsible
she let him stay too long
where he didn’t belong
with consequences three
trimesters later unexpected
but not impossible
just in time for a christmas
not yet invented
for the world of their posterity
years later another feast
laid on for those yet to come
candles and chocolates
eggs and expectation
resurrection and disbelief
a succession of miracles
the world now abuses
and organises
she never intended
R 24/03/2023 20:29
Another long week. Thank God for friends who seem to circle in the same orbits and rhythms and creativity – you know who you are. There are always words and invisible bonds. And music…
25th March 2023 at 08:22circling is somehow loaded with optimism… sometimes 😉
Richard Pierce
25th March 2023 at 08:35especially if the circles (though they are strictly speaking ellipses) move through different places.