What once we were,
Echoes of the classic myths
Carved in a different alphabet
Under the heat of a Mediterranean
What once we were,
In the battles’ mirrors,
Untouchable and immortal,
Happy rushing blood and flesh,
What once we were,
Statues of us sculpted from
Precious stones quarried out of
The groves in the sacred mountain,
What once we were,
Gods and angels,
Winged fates,
R 08/04/2023 on the no 12 bus passing by The Prince of Denmark at 17:08
Ren Powell
10th April 2023 at 04:29I love seeing this poem-a-day commitment. The poems inspire and the commitment inspires. You are amazing. And I am thinking… paintings. Would love to know if you are sharing the paintings.
Richard Pierce
10th April 2023 at 20:13Thanks so much. I must admit I don’t feel amazing. And haven’t painted for a while – no space. Nor has M, unfortunately. R