Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter

Life, Writing

Day 276

It’s the first working day of the month, so my morning has been taken up with reconciling spreadsheets, drafting reports, chasing reports, and focusing on urgent things, since I got up, on work.

I have changed my morning routine (again) to include a double espresso, half of which I consume with breakfast, and the other half of which I consume with a roll-up in the garden – let’s see how that pans out when the weather gets really cold.

And now the working day’s done, and I’ve been for my 2-miler, and the gloaming is settling on the land and the cities and the towns, and another day is done. And I am one of the fortunate, to have time and warmth, education and tools, to reflect on this. And to contemplate a whole raft of challenges to come over the next couple of months. And I think that what I feel amongst this reflection is not so much at this age I should be able to take things a little easier, and have my own life to myself, but more a if society were just, then some of these challenges would not seem so immense, and I, and those around me, not in so much need. Life is unfair, full stop, but it is made unjust by those who inflict need upon us.




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