Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter


#GE2017 – You have a choice

Tomorrow, on 8th June, you have a choice, a stark choice, which will determine not only your immediate future, but the future of your children, and your children’s children.

You can either choose to make dystopian fiction real by voting for a Conservative government which aims to align the UK with the right-wing fantasy that Donald Trump is making real in the US, or you can choose to bring in a Labour government which will focus on the protection of human rights and equality.

You can either choose to make the UK insular and irrelevant in world politics, or you can choose to make the UK a country where you can still stand up for what you believe in, where political disagreement and discourse does not turn you into an enemy of the people.

You can either choose a government which blindly believes that a withdrawal from the EU means withdrawing from the single market and shutting down freedom of movement, or you can choose a government which will allow you to lobby it on preserving membership of the single market and of the freedom of movement.

You can either choose to continue the very real starvation of millions of people in this country, or you can choose a government which will make food banks a thing of the past.

You can either choose to be selfish, or you can choose to think of people other than yourself.

The choice is yours.

Choose wisely.


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