Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter


Just in time for Valentine’s Day

Quite a few people have been asking me if they can get hold of a paperback copy of Bee Bones. Well, now you can, and just in time to make a gift of it to yourself or your loved one for Valentine’s Day.

For those of you not yet familiar with the story which appeared to captivate the authonomy web site in 2008 and was voted Number One in the October of that year, here’s the blurb:

Twelve-year-old Tillmann has been dreaming about his mother Kate since she died. But one morning something changes, and he becomes convinced she’s still alive. He persuades his father, Nairne, that they should look for her. This is the beginning of a journey across Britain, and through the past, for father and son, which takes them from London to Cambridge to Yorkshire, and then, finally, to Scotland.

When father and son reach their final destination, a sequence of events unfolds which makes Nairne question if anything Kate ever told him was the truth. Leaves him wondering if his entire life has been one big lie. And leaves him having to make a decision that could change his and Tillmann’s lives forever.

So, if you like the sound of this, you can buy a signed copy. Just let me know if you’d like a dedication and what you want it to be.

Prices, inc postage
Dedication required

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