Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter


#NewMusicFriday 19/01/2024

16 songs in 65 minutes. Including 4 minutes talk time. Not bad. These are the great songs I played yesterday.

Gen & The Degenerates – Kids Wanna Dance
Kate Dineen – doomscrolling
Flora Algera – Civil Unrest
Etta Marcus – Girls That Play
The Show Continues (In January) – Sex Sells
Stuart Pearce – Nuclear Football
Paid By Cash – Something Nothing
Fraeulein – Wait & See
Murder Club – Pictures Of Myself
Koxxy – Another Me
The Silent Era – Heaven/Hell
Unquiet Nights – Diamond & The Missing Son
Cynthia’s Periscope – Broken Window
Final Glow – Playing Dead
Fauxchisels – Flytipping
James – Is This Love?

Now go find them, and stream them to death. Not that streaming generates much income for artists. Maybe better to find them on bandcamp and buy them.

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