Richard Pierce

Richard Pierce – author, poet, painter

Browsing Category: Poetry

Life, Poetry


England’s borders were never open, Not since the days when all peoples Mixed across geography and its boundaries, And before Anglo-Saxon was even An idea in historians’ minds. Populated by… Continue Reading



This is new. Hair, skin, arms, Entwined in light. By now, our Electricity has fused And bound us to each other’s Sweat, Tears, extremities. With each Inhalation, every Touch, we… Continue Reading



Those days, when nothing disturbed The quietness of holy hours, except For us, were wrapped in the speed Of an empty motorway, the verges Blurred beyond the windows. We skipped… Continue Reading


Day 360

RUNNING We’re always running out of time, Always looking around the same corners At different landscapes, those parallel Universes of fear and hope, those Parallax separate lines that seem to… Continue Reading


Day 350

Naming I remember reading about structuralism, de Saussure, and outdated notions about how different parts of language fitted one into the other to make meaning. Then turned the pages to… Continue Reading